One week project: Photography

First years have recently taken part in the one week (ish) photography project. As may be apparent, this year we travelled to Blackpool and spent the day photographing typography both old and new, cherished and forgotten, shiny and faded… The idea was for pairs of students to create a Blackpool A-Z between themselves, and then recreate a joke or catchphrase from the comedy carpet in their new font. A few examples of which are below.

Blackpool is a typographical treasure trove, and it is one of a few locations from which you can create a real sense of place. Truly, the type found here will exist nowhere else. There is a further extension to this project, as the tutors wish to tile the new re-imagined quotes together into a new version of the carpet. This is both in homage to the carpet as is, but also to the visual wonder of Blackpool and its type.