Placement Portfolios
Have a look at the below links to see the quality of portfolio needed after your second year to secure a placement at a good quality design agency.
Dominic Parsons
Eleanor Spickett
Angus Meikle
Francesca hanley
Katrina Tran
Lucy Child
Connor Maxwell
will mclellan
Portfolio Advice
Below is a snippet taken from Flaunt showcasing sage advice from employers. There is no specific wrong or right in creating your portfolio, but there are general rules to adhere to, especially that noted by Adrian Shaughnessy.
“Show your work to the person you are presenting it to, and not to yourself. Sounds obvious, but I’m still surprised by the number of people who seem to think it is more important that they see their work than the person interviewing them. By this I mean, don’t position your work in such a way that only you can see it clearly. Your work should be placed directly in front of the person viewing it, and not in front of you! It’s glaringly obvious, but I’m staggered by the number of designers—young, and not so young—who make it difficult to view their work. This applies equally to print and digital portfolios.”